all postcodes in PO7 / WATERLOOVILLE

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Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO7 6AA 1 50.886873 -1.037003
PO7 6AB 0 50.887236 -1.037394
PO7 6AD 0 50.888642 -1.035531
PO7 6AE 0 50.890131 -1.035045
PO7 6AF 0 50.889957 -1.03472
PO7 6AG 0 50.889871 -1.034141
PO7 6AH 0 50.887574 -1.037998
PO7 6AJ 1 50.891899 -1.033601
PO7 6AN 0 50.889259 -1.034011
PO7 6AP 0 50.888324 -1.036262
PO7 6AQ 0 50.889951 -1.031807
PO7 6AR 1 50.895538 -1.068562
PO7 6AS 0 50.888973 -1.04195
PO7 6AT 0 50.890248 -1.040516
PO7 6AU 0 50.888701 -1.040562
PO7 6AW 3 50.888456 -1.034824
PO7 6AX 0 50.889374 -1.040392
PO7 6AY 0 50.890208 -1.038996
PO7 6AZ 0 50.890034 -1.037464
PO7 6BA 0 50.891155 -1.03936